Bring down the Barriers - Arthurs Seat Road, Red Hill
A campaign continues for the removal and reduction of the barriers and signage installed, and traffic island, parking and pedestrian works on Arthurs Seat Road.
Council has now provided a formal response to our second and substantive submission and the petition with more than 2000 signatures lodged at the Council meeting on 3 December. It is not the good news were were hoping for:
Notwithstanding this, officers have recently completed a further assessment of the signage and have determined that the safety outcomes of the project will not be compromised by removing (or rather not re-installing)all 14 Chevron Alignment Marker signs between 90 and 120 Arthurs Seat Road. Advisory speed signage below the curve warning signs and the new limit speed signs below the speed limit signage will also be removed along the length of Arthurs Seat Road (that was included in the Black Spot project).
It is anticipated these works will occur by the end of February
More action to follow
The reference group are meeting on Tuesday 28 January to consider next steps.
Council has now provided a formal response to our second and substantive submission and the petition with more than 2000 signatures lodged at the Council meeting on 3 December. It is not the good news were were hoping for:
- Removes the barriers and signage in front of Eldridge Estate along Arthurs Seat Road.
- Reviews and supplies data underpinning this Blackspot Program and consult regarding justification for retention of all the other barriers and signs on Arthurs Seat Road.
Notwithstanding this, officers have recently completed a further assessment of the signage and have determined that the safety outcomes of the project will not be compromised by removing (or rather not re-installing)all 14 Chevron Alignment Marker signs between 90 and 120 Arthurs Seat Road. Advisory speed signage below the curve warning signs and the new limit speed signs below the speed limit signage will also be removed along the length of Arthurs Seat Road (that was included in the Black Spot project).
It is anticipated these works will occur by the end of February
- Commissions a fresh independent report on traffic movement in front of the United Service Station on Arthurs Seat Road and subject to community consultation, modify and rectify those works.
- Commits to community consultation regarding any future programs in relation to public infrastructure in the Coolart Ward, including Blackspot works.
More action to follow
The reference group are meeting on Tuesday 28 January to consider next steps.
RHCA and representatives from community organisations, detailed below, are working to facilitate change.
Our Concerns
The Community was not consulted:
- ahead of Council submitting for this Federal Blackspot funding
- about the nature, scope and impact of the works once funding was approved
- about the separate works in front of United Service Station.
The Program is overkill, utterly disproportionate to the empirical incident data and risk. It does not reflect balance between safety and preservation of the economic tourism value of the iconic hinterland.
The concurrent and separate program of works outside United Service Station is incoherent, was not requested by anyone in the local area and is suggestive of future chaos and unsafe movement of traffic. Again, it is disproportionate to the need and reflective of suburban solutions being imposed onto a rural setting.
Our Objectives
- Council to remove barriers and signage in front of Eldridge Estate along Arthurs Seat Road.
- Council to consult with the community providing justification for retention of all other barriers and signs related to this Arthurs Seat Road program.
- Council to commission a fresh independent report on management of traffic movement on the stretch of road in front of United Service Station, Focus, Red Hill General Store, Red Hill Garden Centre, Julian Newcombe Design and Red Hill BBQ and subject to community consultation on the recommendations made in that report, modify and rectify the works.
- Council to acknowledge the lack of community consultation and inadequate engagement ahead of making submission for this Blackspot Funding.
- Council to commit to genuine consultation and engagement ahead of any future program concerning public infrastructure in the Red Hill Ward.
Representative organisations
Red Hill Community Association
Red Hill Football Netball Club
Red Hill Lions
Red Hill Fire Brigade
Red Hill Agricultural and Horticultural Show Society
Mornington Peninsula Vignerons Association
Hinterland Tourism Association
Mornington Peninsula Regional Tourism Board
Short Submission to Council - 11 September 2024
Our short submission can be viewed here.
A more detailed submission is currently being prepared with facts and figures, and will be lodged around mid October. A copy will be available on this site once finalised.
Substantive Submission to Council - November 2024
Our detailed submission can be viewed here.
Petition Lodged - 6 December 2024
The following article appeared in the SP News, on Instagram and Facebook.
This front page photo and news article from Southern Peninsula News 18 December 2024 can be viewed here at Current Issue by Mornington Peninsula News Group - Issuu